Quartz Vortex Carb Cap
Include for: $24.99
Include for: $24.99
Include for: $4.99
Include for: $4.99
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This banger is crazy-looking but it works amazing. When you dab off this banger it keeps recycling the dab over and over through the heated banger until every last drop is vaporized to perfection. The efficiency of this banger cannot be overstated, it just keeps on going until you are done dabbing.
I really love it, but there isnt much good info out there on how to properly use it(if you have no prior exp or anyone to ask in rl) and the bigger issue is cleaning it.. once you get the hang of it, easy peasy, but other than that, be CAREFUL Overall it's killer, and imo it's worth checking out... Blaze on friends✌️️
Works great for cold and hot dabs, it's so incredibly efficient. One dab easily turns into a whole sesh without burning. Keep heating so the inside element stays hot and it just keeps going and going until there's no more smoke. The carb cap is perfect for stirring and injecting fresh air to keep things moving. Honestly it's really changed my smoking experience, I highly recommend it with some top shelf rosin for the incredible flavor profile this extracts.
Great tool to have!! Videos I make with the Terp recycler get lots of attention. Eye popping appearance. distributes & holds heat well. It is a little tedious to clean but well worth it!!