4pc. Grinder
Include for: $39.99
Include for: $39.99
Include for: $19.99
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GRAV has redesigned all of their standard water pipes to have a lower water line and a better pull. The simple Beaker style was given a thicker, more honed-in base that will be as durable and last as long as you want it. The innovative new geometric pressed ice catch in the side of the tube reduces splash back and looks cool doing it. These pipes are small but maintain great functionality and don't skimp out on hard-hitting rips.
I have a 10" beaker bong that I use frequently, but there are instances in my life, and perhaps yours too, where the circumstances require a bong that is smaller and a bit more discreet. And this GRAV mini totally fits the bill. It hits smooth and as hard as you want it. And it's easy to keep clean. I say thanks to GRAV for the design and thanks to 420 Science for making this available. I look forward to a long and wonderous future with this sweet mini bong. Peace.
I use this with a Mighty. It’s amazing. Highly recommended.
Very nice little bubbler. Exceptional quality, feels substantial and smokes cool.
Love the quality and craftsmanship of GRAV labs! Love the efficiency of this piece! Great work as always!