4pc. Grinder
Include for: $39.99
Include for: $39.99
Include for: $19.99
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This Basic Bubbler from GRAV is a workhorse. This small bubbler pipe is perfect for smooth, filtered hits while on the go. Classy, functional, and affordable. What more could you ask from a pipe?
My experience has been chill. You have great selection and quality pieces, and it gets here fast. I dig your blog and additional content. I'm a marketer, and I feel I must say that and find your branding to be dope. One small lil thing was that my last hammer head (Amber)arrived without a hole to clear the pipe. In fairness, I have not been a very loving owner to my pieces and have accidentally broken several in a row. Call it what you will, but it was likely deserved. It could be a positive sign. I am an advocate, a marrketer, artist, and student of human behavior. You can find me on www.linkedin.com/in/kristypierce or reach me at piercey.kristy05@gmail.com. The last small bong that just arrived is awesome. Kristy ✨️