Blazing Blue Glass Honeycomb Smoking Screen
Include for: $1.99
Include for: $1.99
Include for: $19.99
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MAV has continually provided smoking enthusiasts with innovative, affordable, and stylish glasswork. These medium-sized water pipes are crammed full of features like structured chambers and bodies, colored accents, and decals, all combined with amazing functionality.
This ash catcher will keep even your biggest bong sparkly clean. The massive showerhead downstem cuts down any drag you may incur from adding an accessory like this to your pipe. The second chamber is an overflow chamber to catch particulate and finally, the upward-facing downstem chamber keeps any remaining debris from traveling to your pipe. Simply put, you can't get much better than this. Keep in mind this ash catcher is for increasing the size of your bowl to a 19mm bowl. If you have a 14mm bowl it won't work on this ash catcher. Make sure you have a 19mm bowl to use it.
Verify the size of your joint here.
There is only one chamber with a percolator. The other two chambers are practically worthless. This was poorly designed. If it was designed better and had two separate percolators, it would be much better. It doesn't stop the resin from coming into the main compartment. There are $20-30 ash catchers that would do just about as good of a job as this one. There is one big advantage though. It cools down the smoke tremendously, and it makes the hit much smoother.
I was very impressed at how much bigger rips I was able to take adding this accessory to my bong. The extra filtration was great and the piece itself was perfectly crafted. I have used it with both 19mm and 14 mm bowls using an adapter and although there was a bit more resistance, I was satisfied with the results. Do not hesitate to invest in this piece as I will never use my glass pieces again without this.
I don't care to count how many ash catchers I've bought, but I've finally found the one. Nothing gets by this beast. Has excellent airflow and does the job flawlessly. A+ to MAV on this one.
Love this thing! Works so well, trapping all kinds of reclaim! Pricey but hey, smoke em is ya got em!