RAW Classic Pre-Rolled Cone Pack
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Classic Joint Rolling Cones
Time is valuable, you can make more money, but until we perfect the 420 Time Machine you can't get the hours back it takes to painstakingly pre-roll all your papers out ready for packing. That would be crazy, and you are not that. Raw Pre-rolled Cones fit about a gram and a half of dried herb and have an expertly fashioned paper filter. Great for getting ready for a road trip, or just when you want to be prepared to twist one up with speed.
- Raw paper pre-rolled cones
- Width: 1 1/4 in
- Includes 6 or 30 pre-rolled cones
- Reviews
- Questions
Raw preroll cones.
I quite enjoy them, having a bit of trouble using them in the RAW six shooter loader I got with them, but thats more of a learning curve than it is something against the product. Would recommend.

game changer
Woof!! These lovely little pre-rolled dopo-dads have me stuffin' daily for a bliss blast that only a cone-head could begin to appreciate