4pc. Grinder
Include for: $39.99
Include for: $39.99
Include for: $19.99
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ROOR makes pipes that are thoughtfully crafted with lifetime use in mind. Each pipe is made from start to finish with careful attention to detail. Each dense glass water pipe has a triple pinch ice catch and an extended downstem for easy loading. The best thing about ROOR pipes is their unrivaled glass thickness. A super thick 5mm borosilicate design that does not thin out anywhere on the body is hard to find and worth every cent. The straight tube design ensures lighting fast rips and the ability to use a low water level.
I call it that bkuz it feels like I get shot between my eyeballs every time I hit it. Bout 5-10 seconds after I clear it, it’s like someone picked it up and cracked me in the back of the head with it. 10/10.
Best piece I've purchased since 2005. First RooR. Hard to buy anything else now. The glass comes completely clean after each session with a quick wash. Highly recommend.
For those of you that are out there wondering if this is worth the hefty price tag, I can assure you it is. My Roor came with a beautiful blue/green signature which stands out nicely with the black label. This piece doesn’t have a diffused downstem or any really crazy percs, which makes it a breeze to keep clean. It’s a very simple design that functions amazingly well. Overall if you’re looking for a quality piece of glass with great function that you can take massive rips from. This is the one!
Awesome session I added scientific inhalation’s carbon and it was pleasant