4pc. Grinder
Include for: $39.99
Include for: $39.99
Include for: $19.99
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ROOR makes pipes that are thoughtfully crafted with lifetime use in mind. Each pipe is made from start to finish with careful attention to detail. The best thing about ROOR pipes is their unrivaled glass thickness. Are you looking for a ROOR that is good for dabs? Well, here you go! The Slugger is great as a rig or a traditional bong.
The upright joint is great for a banger or a bow. The body has a large stemless showerhead diffuser in the base of the body and does a beautiful job even with a low water line.
Dab Rig Basics: What are Dab Rigs?
Well the first one that I received had a large crack right at the mouth piece. I reached out and was quickly shipped out a replacement. But as the pictures show the replacement has a subpar percolator. If that passed roor glass inspection and then 420's inspection then roor is definitely selling a name. I will mention that the first one had a very nice percolator and I would have been satisfied with it but far from impressed.
Smoothest hitting rig I’ve ever owned. So much so that I’m actually considering getting a second one for travel. I lucked out and was able to get this with a coupon for $220. I would definitely recommend a silicone reclaimer, JeffGlassArt if you can get your hands on one. And no torch can compare to an enail. If you aren’t balling on a budget, I would highly recommend getting this rig and a quartz mini nail kits at the same time.
This piece looks awesome, packs incredibly smooth monster hits, and it’s really easy to keep clean.