4pc. Grinder
Include for: $39.99
Include for: $39.99
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The classic dugout style taster box has been around for ages. A favorite of newcomers and veterans of smoking, this wooden box has everything you need. The swivel top is magnetically sealed and the taster holder is lightly spring loaded so your taster will pop up for easy access. The herb chamber is large and can fit several grams of ground herbs. A magnetically secured poker rests in the bottom of the box and is the perfect length do clean out most tasters. The ergonomic design feels right in your hand and in your pocket.
One person hit it on the head when they said when you take a hit the aftertaste ruins the experience… they were spot on. As for presentation and workability, that’s why I gave it 3 stars. Would recommend going with a metal or glass one hitter. Not a good $30+ investment.
It was good until the spring inside broke and the wooden cigarette got stuck inside.
So far the dugout is awesome. Haven’t been using the one-hitter because it tastes weird. It’s hollowed bamboo with a metal tip that holds the smokeables. It’s not clear what type of metal it is but it ruined my experience. I just replaced it with a glass one-hitter. I can foresee some resin build up where you store the poker if you don’t clean it. Otherwise I’m very pleased with the dugout.