Quartz Bangers, Dab Nails & Accessories
Quartz offers the best flavor from your concentrates. Browse a wide selection of quality quartz bangers in a variety of sizes and styles to fit any dab rig.
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What are Quartz Bangers?
It didn't take long for the dab community to discover the most helpful tool for your dab rig is a quartz banger. We tried titanium and then ceramic, but quartz glass nails rain supreme for maximum heat retention and overall preservation of flavor.
Unlike metal nails or ceramic, quartz is completely non-absorbent, cannot off-gas, and doesn't need to be seasoned like other bangers. Quartz glass bangers are affordable and can be made to fit any dab rig easily. The best thing about a quartz banger is that it doesn't interfere with the flavor of your dabs, and you can easily clean it after each use.
Who Makes the Best Quartz Bangers?
A good quality banger is all about how well it has been constructed and what features it has. It's possible to have an excellent functioning dab banger that isn't expensive, and you can choose to spend more for a banger with many features.
Different bangers work for other dab rigs and styles of dabbing. Bangers with large buckets are for big dabs, while bangers with deep narrow buckets are for lower heat dabs. So remember, you can get a cheap quartz banger and know that it's still good quality. We have affordable non-branded quartz nails and feature heavy bangers from respected brands like Green Bear and AFM.
How to Choose a Quartz Banger Based on Your Current Dab Rig
You need to know a few things about your dab rig to choose the proper banger for it. Let's take a look at what you should consider when shopping for a quartz banger.
- What size is your dab rig's joint? The joint size will determine what size banger to get. The most common is 14-millimeters or 10-millimeters, but some large dab rigs have 19-millimeter joints on occasion. Also, determine if your joint is male or female. A female joint is recessed while male joints stick out.
- Next, ask yourself what kind of carb cap you are using. If you have a flat cap that gets dropped on top of the banger, you won't want an angled quartz banger. If you have a spherical carb cap, you can use angled or flat-top bangers so long as they match the banger diameter.
- What kind of dab do you want to take? Do you want your dab to be like a bong rip, or do you want a long slow flavorful draw? Big bangers vaporize big globs of dabs all quickly to make a colossal dab hit. Long thin bangers like terp slurpers are for low temp dabs that last a long time while you hit them for maximum flavor.
Quartz Banger Types
There are several types of quartz banger styles that create different dab experiences. You can also add accessories to your banger that make it function better, like terp pearls and directional carb caps.
Color Changing Quartz Bangers
Some bangers are made to change colors as they are heated. The point of the color-changing banger is to show that it is hot. Thermochromic bangers are a nice safety feature that allows you to see when your banger is too hot to dab from or touch.
Flat Top Bangers
Flat-top quartz bangers are the go-to banger for most people. These bangers have a level top for placing your carb cap on and ideally leaving it there so you can focus on inhaling. Flat-top bangers come in standard and large diameters for whatever type of carb cap you have.
Opaque Bottom Bangers
A good quartz banger is all about heat retention and intentional heat distribution. You want the banger to be hot and maintain its heat in a localized place, so it's easy for you to take your dab. Opaque bottom bangers are great at retaining focused heat in the bottom of the banger instead of distributing it to the sides.
Choosing the Right Joint
As noted above, you'll need to make sure that you know your joint size when picking out a quartz banger. The size of the quartz banger will be the same number as the common but will be the opposite sex. Usually, you will need a banger with a male joint.
How to Use a Quartz Banger
The process of taking a dab s well documented by us, but here is a short description of using a quartz banger. This description is for taking a traditional dab, but we recommend a cold start the best.
- Heat the quartz banger. Don't heat it for too long. You don't want the glass to turn red.
- Once the surface of the banger has come to an "appropriate" temperature, touch the dabber loaded with concentrate to the bottom corner of the heated banger. You'll see your dabs start to melt and boil.
- Remove the dabber and place a carb cap on top of the banger, and the concentrate will continue to vaporize. A carb cap helps ensure all material is consumed by reducing the air pressure inside the banger, raising the temperature, and directing the flow of air where you need it.
- Once you are done with your dab, you can swab out the residue from the banger with a cotton swab dipped in isopropyl alcohol.
Shop for Quartz Bangers Online with 420 Science
We have every kind of quartz banger that you might want for your dab rig setup. We have great prices on plain flat-top bangers and the most recent designs like terp slurpers. If you have any questions about finding the correct banger or the best dab rig, let us know, and we'll be happy to help.